Where Quilted Garden Designs began ~ 2000
“A Stitch in Time Saves Nine”
I grew up amidst the corn fields of Iowa riding horses, ice skating, riding bikes - barefoot of course, climbing through barns, wading in the cool summer waters of creeks and streams and sewing*sewing*sewing. My mom taught me to sew. Being an artist herself, she instilled in me the drive to be successful and the forgiveness to fail. She never questioned my messes, or disasters because she knew that each was a step in fertilizing an artful mind. When I was sixteen she surprised me with a big box full of fabric purchased at an auction. Ohhhh-heaven-on-earth! Knowing what I know today, that tattered box was filled with yardage from the late 1800's to early 1900's. I spent countless hours measuring, cataloging and planning projects. I am glad to say that I proceeded to use all of it in clothing and crafts. Today I am honored to own the treadle sewing machine that both my mom and grandmother used. I also have the pretty green Husqvarna-Viking machine I learned to sew on that my mom purchased in the 1950's! What treasures I have bestowed to me!
My art career officially began at the University of Iowa. Like many, I fell in love, moved and got married in the early '80s. I completed my education at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville with a degree in nursing. After fifteen great years in the home health care arena, I retired and returned to my comfortable world of fabric, design, sewing and quilting. Being back in my creative space full-time felt like I had put on an old pair of cozy slippers - soft and familiar!
I opened my shop, 'The Quilted Garden' in 2000. Those years on Main Street in Edwardsville, IL were the best! I loved teaching, creating, visiting, and becoming friends with so many wonderful customers from all over the world. I miss the stories, the spontaneous 'show and tells' and all the fun times we had over those thirteen successful years. Those years were sweet and full, but there came that day when it was ‘just time’ to close. My design company 'Quilted Garden Designs' was flourishing, presenting a good time to pursue this next adventure. Today I am so thankful for technology to keep us connected 🤗
In the fall of 2018 I traveled to Sweden with my three sisters. Our paternal grandparents immigrated to America in the early 1900’s and we wanted to connect with our heritage. The beauty of our "mother country" was beyond expectations. We immersed ourselves into the culture - attended concerts in Stockholm, visited museums, enjoyed great food, shopped, rode public transportation into the country and ferried to the islands. Our favorite time of day was "fika" - a time set-aside for a delicious cup of coffee and a sweet treat with good company, or personal quiet. This trip reawakened my love for simple clean lines and the lovely palette (both in taste and color) of Scandinavia!
As I design and create all the 'stuff' that bubbles around in my head, I will share and give YOU first dibs on purchasing patterns and kits. So, if you are a Facebook or Instagram fan, make sure to follow Quilted Garden and please sign up for my newsletter too. I promise not to flood your inbox or share your email!
I could not have become who I am today without the love and encouragement of my customers, my family, and my wonderful husband who has always believed in me! We now live in a South Carolina lake-community nestled in the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge Smoky Mountains. Life is slow and sweet. We have 3 daughters, two son-in-laws and the most beautiful grandchildren who we just don’t see often enough, but for whom I love to sew for. 🤗
My daily goal is to keep us all in stitches because life is delightful and oh-sew-good!
💖 Jenice 💖